The universal and innovative Geo-Business Intelligence solution

GEO Key, universal and innovative Geo-Business Intelligence


We, Business Geografic are a GIS software provider with world recognition in Geo-Business Intelligence and high ambitions in innovative Geo-Prospective.


Our technologies and solutions are universal and powerful enough to adapt to all businesses' needs, without the need for compromises.



GEO Key systematically benefits from our ongoing innovation strategy on our GEO Software GIS and Geo-Business Intelligence software platform.



GEO Key connects directly and simultaneously to all kinds of spatial, contextual and business data being stored in normalized data formats.



GEO Key, based on a star schema data model that is easy to visualize and edit, includes the preparation of custom data sets.


GEO Key can be deployed in clustered server mode, allowing an efficient data processing of small to very large volumes of local and remote data.



GEO Key inherits the whole functional richness offered on the GEO platform, which was chosen by tens of thousands of users around the world.


The GEO ergonomics principles naturally apply to GEO Key, enabling users to generate powerful carto-centric dashboards without coding.



GEO Key is constantly evolving, like an invitation to adopt Geo-Business Intelligence practices that are continually better.

Process your whole data


GEO Key, powered by Business Geografic, is not only fully interoperable with all kinds of GIS standards and normalized data formats. 
GEO Key also processes data at every geographic scale, from world level to building level, with unlimited volumes of data.

Discover GEO Key in action

Drill down your data very easily thanks to the unlimited drill down. This example shows statistical data aggregated on three levels. Interact with the various components of your GEO Key dashboard to select the data to be studied more closely; GEO Key automatically applies your filters to all the components of your dashboard.
Explore your data and indicators intuitively and following analytical scenarios. Your GEO Key dashboard is dynamically linked to your data; it is very ergonomic and powerful. It is also natively interoperable with Business Geografic's GEO Generator, providing you with the highest levels of freedom for customization and administration.
Bring the worlds of BI and GIS closer together within GEO Software, via one single carto-centric decision-making tool. This example shows the seamless integration of a GEO Key dashboard into a GEO business mapping application; this tool, based on GEO Technologies, processes your whole GIS, contextual and business data.

Geo-Business Intelligence as a matter of course

GEO Key, as a major innovation project supported by Europe and France (Eurostars program), follows Business Geografic’s uncompromising software product philosophy: interoperability with all kinds of GIS standards and contextual and business data formats, power, scalability, simplicity and responsive HTML5 (multi-device) portability for end-users. Both in SaaS and On-Premises modes; off-the-shelf or the turnkey way. With as many BI maps as you wish on your dashboards, as well as multi-dashboarding capacities for observatory, story-telling or prospective analytics purposes for instance.

GEO Key encourages access to cutting-edge data introspection and Geo-Business Intelligence practices, for as many people as possible from the private and public sectors, from Geo-Reporting and Observatories to Geo-Prospective by way of Geo-Analytics, regardless of the data formats and volumes.



Data files, spatial databases, web data services, etc.: GEO Key supports all kinds of GIS standards and normalized data formats.

GEO Key also connects to an unlimited number of base maps and virtual globes such as OpenStreetMap for instance, as well as web mapping services (TMS, WMS, WMTS, WFS, etc.).

Useful - GEO Key supports X/Y coordinates. Should you need to geolocate postal addresses on the fly, you can use our powerful SaaS Geocoding GEO Service.


Whatever the formats of your contextual and business data and indicators, GEO Key supports all standardized data formats.

It is thus very simple for you to geo-analyze your whole contextual and business data: thematic data, analytical data, key performance indicators (KPIs), etc.

Interoperable - You may also need to geo-analyze your data on floor plans or specific data layers. GEO Key processes all kinds of geometries and rasters natively.



Visualize the star schema data model in real time and prepare your custom data sets right from a drag-and-drop interface that is fully interactive.

Link/join tables, segregate/aggregate and cross-reference your data, create hierarchies and dimensions, etc.: GEO Key offers powerful, secured, small and very big data set management capacities.

Smart - GEO Key automatically detects the nature and quality of your data, as well as the spatial projection system, even when several projection systems are involved.



Create your statistics and your simple, class or multivalued spatial and attribute analyses. No scripting required: just configuration, although a scripting wizard is available.

You can create as many indicators, statistics and analyses as you need, using your whole local and remote data as far as you've indexed, or connected to, it.

Unique - Your data, indicators, data sets, statistics and analyses are GEO Resources that are fully shareable with your colleagues, counterparts and partners using GEO.



Generate your BI maps, based on your base maps, data layers, statistics and analyses, either using our GEO Generator or asking us to generate them for you.

Customize your BI maps and spatial analyses: class values, point clustering thresholds, symbology, colors and styles of display modes in line with your corporate identity, labels and tooltips, etc.

Outstanding - Your BI maps, just like your other GEO Resources, are fully customizable, shareable with, and re-usable by, the other GEO users you collaborate with.


Open a new dashboard and drag and drop your BI maps, statistics and analyses as widget components from your GEO Resources panel to your GEO Key dashboard.

GEO Key offers an exhaustive range of dynamic, interactive representation modes as GEO Key widget components: pie charts, bar charts, radars, point clouds, density maps, heatmaps, flow maps, etc.

Easy peasy - No need to be a GIS and BI expert: GEO Key offers intuitive configuration settings for real-time customization of each GIS and BI component integrated within your dashboard.



Make spatial selections and intersect your GIS data with your contextual and business data. Your GEO Key dashboard refreshes immediately and dynamically. 

Relying on our GEO mapping engine, GEO Key enables you to make intricate spatial and attribute intersections involving all kinds of spatial objects: points, lines and polygons.

Powerful - Use hierarchies and dimensions to drill down and get a closer look at your data. If your data is precise enough, GEO Key will enable you to geo-analyze it down to the building level.


GEO Key is a universal and innovative solution for all Geo-Business Intelligence needs, from Geo-Reporting to Geo-Prospective by way of Geo-Analytics.

Your GEO Key BI dashboards are valuable tools to help intricate decision-making; combined with our drawing and annotations tools, they are very effective in convincing.

Mobile - Your GEO Key dashboards are not only designed in responsive HTML5 mode, for decision-making on the go; they can also be duplicated as dedicated mobile applications.



GEO Key is a multi-user, multi-profile Geo-Business Intelligence tool, coming with refined reading, editing, importing-exporting and sharing user right management.

You can delegate user rights to administrators and thus increase your responsiveness and adaptability to real-time Geo-Business Intelligence needs within your organization.

Good to know - You can also share your GEO Key dashboards as web services, or use our APIs to run them within other business tools and further share knowledge and decision-making.

Go one more step beyond with GEO Software

GEO Key is integrated within our GEO Software platform and interoperable with our ranges of GEO Technologies and GEO Solutions, to ensure full consistency and compatibility between your GEO Key dashboards and the other GEO tools you may wish to use in your daily business and activity. Below, some examples of how far you could go with GEO Software as a whole GIS and Geo-Business Intelligence software platform that meets all mapping needs, from Geo-Reporting to Geo-Prospective by way of Geo-Business Intelligence.



Increase your mapping potential. Our patented GEO Generator provides you with the highest levels of freedom and autonomy, to enable you to customize your GEO Key dashboards and to generate additional GIS and Geo-Business Intelligence applications in responsive HTML5 mode.



Enrich your maps, GIS and Geo-Business Intelligence tools easily with high value geospatial features and analyses such as geocoding, isolines, route planning, route optimization, etc. Our GEO Services are universal SaaS mapping services; they were designed for all geo-analytics purposes.




Ask for yours. Should you wish tailor-made GEO solutions matching your (very) specific needs, our GEO project managers can build fully customized GEO solutions that will perfectly meet your specific requirements. Just ask for help, their proven experience could be helpful to you! 


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